Join us for an exciting public talk, "From Clouds to Cosmic Giants: The formation and evolution of galaxies," presented by Prof. Tracy Webb. The formation and evolution of galaxies is one of the most fascinating and fundamental processes in the universe, shaping the large-scale structure we observe today. This talk will explore the journey of galaxies from their origins in the aftermath of the Big Bang to the complex systems they have become. Current research and cutting-edge observational techniques, from ground-based surveys to space telescopes, will be reviewed, providing insights into how we measure and study galaxies across different epochs. We will touch on open questions in galaxy evolution and future prospects in the field, highlighting upcoming missions and technologies that will revolutionize our understanding of galaxies' past, present, and future. Date: October 3, 2024 Time: 7:00 - 8:15 PM Location: ENGTR 0100, Trottier Building, McGill University (3630 University St, Montréal) Don't miss the opportunity to hear from an expert on the latest research into galaxy formation and evolution!
AstroMcGill serves as the education and public outreach branch of the McGill Space Institute. To find more science outreach activities at McGill, visit the Faculty of Science's outreach webpage.