We run a variety of programs in order to reach our goals. Whether you like to sit back and listen, or be more hands on, we have an activity for you!
Our regular programs:
At Public AstroNights you can hear about the latest space science from researchers at TSI and beyond! These talks are fully free, aimed at a broad audience, and vary in format month to month.
At Astro Trivia Night, multiple rounds of trivia test our participants' knowledge of the mysteries of the Cosmos in a variety of different ways, from the latest astronomical news to more off-beat rounds based on decoding strange astronomy acronyms and telling frying pans apart from Moons! In between each round, an MSI graduate student or postdoc gives a 3-minute talk on the space-related topic of their choice.
Astronomy on Tap is a free event featuring accessible, engaging presentations on topics in astronomy plus astronomy-themed trivia games and prizes, all in a local Montreal bar.
Interested in learning more about the night sky? Come to our Observing Nights at the Anna McPherson Observatory!
We also organize Special TSI Public Talks once a term, featuring world-class speakers from top universities across North America.
Other Events
We also participate in events like the Eureka Festival, AstroFest at the Planetarium, 24 heures du science, Science Literacy Week, and more! Stay up to date by following our social media channels.
For Educators
If you're an educator and are interested in organizing a visit, contact us!