Early Universe and Theoretical Cosmology

The theoretical cosmology group works to explain the history of the very early universe and to provide an explanation of the large scale structure in the Universe. They create models using input from new fundamental physics such as superstring theory, dark matter particle theories and particle physics beyond the standard model. They also explore ways to test these new models with cutting-edge observations of the cosmic microwave background, large-scale structure, the neutral hydrogen 21-cm line, cosmic rays and data from the Large Hadron Collider.

Faculty Members

Brandenberger, Robert

Professor of Physics
Office: ERP 332

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Cline, Jim

Professor of Physics
Office: ERP 307

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Hernandez, Oscar

Adjunct Professor of Physics, Associate Member TSI
Office: ERP 327B

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Schutz, Katelin

Assistant Professor of Physics
Office: ERP 319

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