Experimental and Observational Cosmology

The McGill experimental cosmology group, designs and builds new instrumentation for observational cosmology and develops analysis techniques for upcoming large cosmological surveys, including surveys of the cosmic microwave background and the 21 cm line of neutral hydrogen. They deploy and operate instruments wherever the observing conditions are best — from the geographic South Pole to the top of the Stratosphere to the South African desert, as well as analyze and interpret the data from these experiments to gain a better understanding of the origin, fate, and fundamental constituents of the Universe.

Faculty Members

Chiang, Cynthia

Associate Professor of Physics
Office: ERP 336

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Dobbs, Matt

Professor of Physics
Office: TSI 103

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Hezaveh, Yashar

Assistant Professor of Physics, Université de Montréal, Associate Member of TSI
Office: -

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Liu, Adrian

Associate Professor of Physics
Office: TSI 206

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Sievers, Jonathan

Associate Professor of Physics
Office: ERP 333

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